Joint Standards Committee |
15 September 2022 |
Report of the Deputy Monitoring Officer |
To receive an overview of the work undertaken and support offered by the Yorkshire Local Councils Association
The Joint Standards Committee is keen to support and continue building positive links with Parish and Town Councils and a valuable part of this is the role of Yorkshire Local Councils Association. In recognition a representative of Yorkshire Local Councils Association has been invited to attend and provide an overview of the work undertaken and support offered.
The Joint Standards Committee is a joint committee representing both the City of York Council and the Parish and Town Councils existing within York’s boundary.
Decisions recently made by the Joint Standards Committee Hearing Panel have recommended that Parish and Town Councils seek support from the YLCA. As such, the Joint Standards Committee has extended an invitation to the YLCA to attend the meeting and provide the Committee with an overview of its work.
Financial – None directly arising from this report
Human Resources (HR) – None directly arising from this report.
Equalities – None directly arising from this report.
Legal – Whilst the Joint Standards Committee is a joint committee between the City of York and the Parish and Town Councils existing within York’s geographical boundary, the two forms of councils are separate legal entities and the YLCA provides support solely to Parish and Town Councils who subscribe to its service.
Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property - None directly arising from this report.
Reasons for the Recommendation
The Joint Standards Committee is a joint committee and actively supports engagement with Parish and Town Councils.
There are no other options for the Committee to consider on this occasion.
Author responsible for the report:
Frances Harrison, Deputy Monitoring Officer
Report Approved |
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Date |
12th August 2022 |
Specialist Implications Officer(s): |
Wards Affected: List wards or tick box to indicate all |
All |
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Background Papers:
· The Council’s Constitution